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date: 14 June 2015
slide from Eric Beinhocker’s talk at McKinsey Global
the complexity view-
innovation as evolutionary search…
and only with evolutionary search can one get innovation… so, if there is really such an idea called social innovation, it should be an evolutionary search too…
what an intermediary like the Good Lab can do is to find ways to intervene (using science as a guide) so that the mutation and adaption could be faster… then followed by implementation science, scale up the ideas that work…
possible ways of intervening?
- accelerate the process of mutation (faster offspring?)
- introduce more diversity
- scale what works
this is what should be in the mind of the manager of an incubator, if they are serious about their business…
it comes from the multi-level selection theory in biology and basically, what you need to do is:
- get a group of better than normal entrepreneurs
- put them into an enclosed process (like YC)
- let the evolution process happen!
it is very powerful.
when you get it, your whole worldview will change dramatically.